Right360 StartPage

Right360 StartPage, Chad Heaton, CEO/Owner

Chad Heaton


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Chad began his technical career in the early 1990s after joining the United States Air Force. A native of Colorado, he attended Colorado State University (CSU) in Fort Collins, where he earned a Bachelor of Science in Management of Information Systems and Business Management. In early 2000, Chad relocated from Loveland to Colorado Springs and founded Right360 LLC.

A United States Air Force veteran, Chad received Military Excellence Awards in recognition of his service. He is also an active participant in Colorado’s democratic process, serving as a delegate within the state. Outside of his professional and civic engagements, Chad enjoys baseball, biking, horseback riding, and indulging in apple pie. He is also an active member of New Life Church. Therefore, with his background in the church and military, Chad understands the value of service and strives to create win/win solutions in all aspects of life.