Right360 StartPage

Right 360: Add/Update/Remove: Sites/Links

Right 360 uses a best effort concept to populate each category as complete as possible. The quality of content is considered our #1 goal and we are highly selective. Our goal is to make this Start Page / Search Engine as useful as possible for our users.

When you consider all the content on the web, we can not cover, in a year, all the content our 6-degrees of users cover in a single month. Therefore, we may have overlooked a particular website you feel is essential. If this is the case, it’s possible to submit a site to the Right 360 database for consideration. We consider/evaluate every site submission for inclusion in the Start Page / Search Engine.

Please keep in mind, not all Sites/Links are accepted; therefore, please don’t take it personally should your suggestion not be accepted. A rejection of your site submission doesn’t mean it’s not appreciated, it may simply be it’s not a good fit at this time. Please take a few moments to understand the site/link selection procedure/process before submitting your site.

Add Site/Link

Sites/Links that are of high value. Content that should be shared with all.

Modify Site/Link

Found a Site/Link that is broken/misdirected... needs update.

Remove Site/Link

Site/Link that is found to have questionable content.